Sentab - Our Contribution to Address
Later Life Loneliness
campaign to address later life loneliness. We want to put our strengths to the service of society.

Later life loneliness is a growing concern, with almost three million older people in the UK alone feeling that they have no one to turn to for help & support and over one million older people say thay are always or often feel lonely. Another compelling fact is that 41% of people aged 65+ feel out of touch with the pace of modern life.

Sentab's interactive services are fun and help people to overcome social isolation by staying in touch with friends & family members, as well as making new introductions and connections.
We plan to help older generations get digitally connected and create their own social networks. We believe that this peer led social interaction is key to helping people remain an important part of their community.
With the help of H2020 we can make our system more intelligent. Users and their family members benefit from the ongoing development of health & wellbeing notification systems.

Follow our recent news and innovation through our regular blog and social media updates.